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About Gate 21

The Real Gate 21…

So where is the real Gate 21?” you may be asking yourself (“Actually, not really” thinks the reader).

Gate 21 is “my” gate at Neyland Stadium. It’s how I enter Fort Neyland every gameday. It also happens to be the “main” gate into the stadium (at least that’s how it appears). It sits on a big plaza where all sorts of alums, hangers-on, orange-clad crazies and visiting fans can be found waiting to enter the stadium. It’s where the Vol Network does its pre-game show. It’s where the band marches in after doing its “Salute to the Hill” performance. It’s where you can buy some really overpriced tickets from people with a fist full of tickets and—peculiarly—a cardboard sign on their chest announcing “Need Tickets.” It is the path I use to get to my seats to watch the Vols play. It is the entrance to the Tennessee Home for the Visually Offensive (so named for its profusion of orange and lack of teeth).

Gate 21 is where I have entered the stadium for years now, so I just figured it was as good a name as any for a blog about Life, the Universe, and College Football. I guess the real Gate 21 is a lot like this blog: it leads to something more; it is the gateway to a lot of wasted time; it promises great things lie within, but often the performance is less than spectacular. It is part of my world, so I thought I’d drag any of you people who actually have time to waste reading my blog there to see it.

Either way, it’s the only decent name I could come up with…

About Lawvol…

I’m a shyster (lawyer, but don’t hold it against me) living in the heart of ACC country suffering from SEC deprivation. As you can tell from this blog, I am a graduate of the University of Tennessee, but went to trade school (law school) over at Tarhead U (UNC).

Since I obviously have too much time on my hands, and I tend to like to cause problems, I started this little blog to serve as my bully pulpit and a place for me to ventilate about things that piss me off, as well as things which I like. Believe it or not, I am really not an ogre and I have all my teeth. Furthermore, contrary to the claims of some people, those morals charges about that sheep were dismissed.

Shameless Commerce (Graphic Design): I also do all my own graphics, logos, and banners. If you are in need of some graphic content (no I don’t mean “explicit”) for your website, organization, blog, company, or just for the hell of it, I work cheap and can do just about anything you need. I can do press ready graphics, website logos and art, and any other type of graphics in .jpg, .pdf, .tif, .bmp, .svg, and a bunch of other formats. In addition to the silly pictures I post on this blog, I also do farks (photoshop re-touching for the technologically impaired) of photos for people. So if you want a photo with Granny’s head on some porn star’s body… it’s your call. Like I said I work cheap (oftentimes for a trade).

Anyway, this is my little creation, humble though it may be. Feel free to add a complaint or comment or email me if something irritates you.

Go Figure …

(c) 2007 “lawvol”
Notices, Disclaimers, Attribution, Copyright, and Licensing


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